Warning: This post has no real point and is just my wandering mind. Hope you enjoy where it leads . . . maybe to a giveaway?
What do you dream about?
Me? It depends.
There are the stress-related dreams that have me searching for something, running from something, or unable to function.
Then you have the pleasant story-you-don’t-want-to-end dreams, which in my case usually have me starring in a mystery of some kind, which in turn always makes me beg the question of WHY don’t I write mysteries?!
But those aren’t the dreams I’m talking about.
What are your deep-down, soul dreams that are never too far out of reach, but just far enough that your fingers tingle?
Mine have changed over the years.
First, it was to be a pioneer girl. Yes, I loved the Little House books and the “Daniel Boone” series as a child.
Then, I wanted to be a secretary, or a wife and mother. As a love-sick teen, those sounded perfect to me.
As an adult I’ve had a few dreams: own an old house (check), publish a book (check times 3), and work from home (check).
Of course there are the other dreams – living on the beach, winning the HGTV dream house on Hilton Head Island (yes, I am entering twice daily), having grandchildren, winning book awards, and living in the country. These are some of my current dreams.
God gave us those dreams, just like he gave Joseph the ability to translate dreams. Maybe I won’t live on the beach, but I can write about it. Maybe I won’t live in the country, or win the HGTV Dream House, but I can write about someone who does. Winning an award would be a plus.
Grandchildren are non-negotiable, daughters. Just get used to the idea. š
I think dreams keep us sane, even when they seem a little crazy.
The closest I’ve come to winning an award is actually judging for one, and because of that, I have this PILE of Christian Fiction books (Not ALL are fair game, just sayin’!) that are crying out to find new homes.
Tell me one of YOUR dreams, and I’ll put you in the drawing for one of those books! I’ll announce the winner on Friday, Jan. 17!
Happy Friday, Y’all!
P.S. Did you know my good friend Lorna Seilstad’s Mosaic book, More Than Enough, came out on WEDNESDAY?? I’m going to feature it on my first “Writer Wednesdays” feature, next week!! In the meantime, BUY IT!!!! Purchase link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082NWB91P/. Also read FREE on Kindle Unlimited.
Adding “Award-winning ” in front of “multi-published” is definitely a dream of mine, too. And getting to a point where I can afford to focus on my writing and not have to work any other jobs. š