Do you trust God to do what He says He will do?
That question has hit me over the course of the last few weeks.
Beginning December 31, 2018, my church began reading the Bible through as a congregation using a guide, Foundations: A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Believers.
Y’all. It’s changing the way I think about Bible study. Our pastor has pledged to preach every Sunday morning and Sunday night from the scriptures from the previous week, and on Wednesday night, we have a discussion about what we’ve been reading, how we can study more deeply, and just share things that we’ve learned. This past week, the prayer during our “prayer meeting” was amazing.
I told someone that it was like being a part of a great big book club, and it’s bringing our church together in a way I’ve never seen it before.
As of now, we’re about halfway through Genesis, and finished with Job. The plan has you to skip some of the more laborious sections (genealogies, sacrifices, Job’s friends’ droning, etc.) and focuses on man’s relationship with God.
As a race – human race, that is – we aren’t much to write home about. But thank God someone did, or we’d have never known just how faithful our God is!
From the beginning, we’ve lied, murdered, deceived, whined, fled, and taken advantage of others. And you know what? God uses us anyway! NONE of the “greats” of the Bible were without blemish – even Noah and Job had their quirks – and GOD USED THEM ANYWAY.
When Jacob ran from Esau after cheating him of not only his birthright as eldest son but also of Isaac’s blessing that was to go to him, he found himself alone with God with only a stone for a pillow. After he dreamed of a ladder with angels ascending and descending between the earth and Heaven, he knew that God was there, and he simply hadn’t been aware.
Jacob saw the glory of God and heard the voice of God promising to bless him and his family. After that, he made a vow in Genesis 28:20-22: “If God will be with me and watch over me during this journey I’m making, if He provides me with food to eat and clothing to wear, and if I return safely to my father’s family, then the LORD will be my God. This stone that I have set up as a marker will be God’s house, and I will give to you a tenth of all that you give me.”
When we discussed this passage on Wednesday night, a few things were brought out:
God had to get Jacob alone to get his attention.
- Was the stairway with the angels a dream, or did God let Jacob see what was going on all the time?
- God is willing to prove Himself faithful to His promises.
Are you still waiting on God’s promises to be fulfilled? It may take a while. Abraham’s descendants went through a lot before they were “as numerous as the stars,” which is what God promised Abraham.
Stay tuned . . .
P. S. Do you know what happens on Tuesday, Feb. 5?? YAY!!!!! Did you know that you can PRE-ORDER both the ebook AND the paperback??
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