Happy Wednesday!
I don’t know about your part of the world, but Valentine’s Day notwithstanding, I’m ready for SPRING! We’ve had every kind of weather from snow showers to warm sunny days, and those are just TEASING us!!
Hope you’re getting in some prime reading time, though!
Today I welcome back my friend Susan Page Davis! We are both members of the KenTen Writing Group, and I’m looking forward to spending time with her this coming Saturday!
Want to know more about this great author? Great! I aim to please! 🙂
Interview with Susan
Welcome to the blog, Susan!
What inspired you to write, initially, and what encouraged you to continue?
I’ve always had stories in my head, but I didn’t seriously start trying to have them published until I was in my 40s. Up until that time, I didn’t really think I could succeed as a fiction writer. At first I got a lot of rejections, which was discouraging, but some editors wrote comments saying my writing was good and worthwhile and to keep it up, and I did. When I sold my first story (to Woman’s World) it was the validation I needed.
I’ve talked to so many authors who didn’t get serious until their 40’s – me, included!
Do you look on writing as a “calling?”
In some ways. It’s always a blessing to know my words have touched readers’ hearts. But I never felt that I received an adamant directive to write. It’s just something I love to do, and God gave me a flair for it.
Isn’t it wonderful when God is so gracious to let you do the thing you love?
What is one story from real life that you’ve included in one of your books?
I have used a lot of anecdotes from family history in my books, but not so much from my own life. I do throw in snippets now and then. For instance, I might name a fictional animal after a childhood pet. Or a western character might have a horse he’s riding on stumble and fly in a somersault, with him tossed off to the side. Yeah, that’s happened to me.
I guess writing primarily historical, it would tend to have fewer “modern day” stories. That’s why I love writing contemporary – some of my best embarrassing moments have, or will, show up in my books! LOL!
Salad or Sandwich?
Do I have to choose? Okay, sandwich then.
Me, too, but I WANT to love salads . . .
What is your favorite Bible verse, and why?
It changes with the circumstances, but one I really like is Psalm 48:14: For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even unto death.
What is one thing you have to do to yourself before you go out in public?
Blow my hair dry.
Especially THIS time of year!
What is your favorite movie and why?
I can’t leave the room if Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is on TV. Don’t ask me why, I just love it.
ME, TOO!!!! I’m that way about “Oklahoma!,” as well!
A lot of interviewers ask for your favorite book. That’s just not fair! What has been the most recent book you’ve read that excited you or moved you in some way?
I guess that would be The Last Journalist, by A. C. Fuller.
Why? To be honest, it wasn’t the greatest book I ever read or the best written (though it wasn’t poorly written). But my husband and I are both retired journalists, and Fuller hit so many nails on the head about the recent changes in the field that I nagged my husband into reading it so we could discuss it.
That sounds like something my journalist son-in-law would enjoy!
Is there someone, alive or dead, who had a major influence on your writing life, or on your life in general?
Jim and Tracie Peterson were my first book editors at Barbour’s Heartsong Presents line. I learned a lot of things from them the hard way. Here’s an example, from a conversation about my first published book:
Tracie: We’re going to publish it—but you’ll need to cut 5,000 words.
Me: Uh. . .I don’t know if I can do that.
Tracie: Sure you can. I could cut a thousand words from the first chapter.
ME: (gulp)
That’s awesome! I was asked for a full from Harlequin, and had to cut 5,000 words, then when they didn’t take it, I had to find them again! LOL!
If you were on a deserted island with a laptop and no wifi, what are two programs or apps you would have to have on your computer?
A word processing program and a Bible app. Of course, I’m assuming this laptop is solar powered.
Of course it is! 😉 I’d have to have a good external hard drive, too. Is that cheating?
Thanks, Susan! Now here’s more info on Susan, and about her latest novella, “The Bride Who Declined” in the collection, The Mail-Order Standoff.
Book Blurb
The Mail-Order Standoff: Marriage plans are put on hold in the Old West when four mail-order brides have second thoughts. How will their grooms win their trust?
The four novellas include Right on Time by Angela Breidenbach; Pistol-Packin’ Bride by Margaret Brownley; Twice the Trouble by Vickie McDonough; and The Bride Who Declined by Susan Page Davis.
Susan’s story opens in Boston, Massachusetts, in the 1880s. Rachel Paxton turns down a mail-order proposal, but a few months later she learns the man she rejected has died—and left his ranch to her in his will. She can’t figure out why, and she’s not sure she wants the inheritance.
About Susan
Susan Page Davis is the author of more than 90 books. A Maine native, she now lives in western Kentucky with her husband Jim. They have six adult children, ten precocious grandchildren, and two obnoxious cats.
Connect with Susan
Website: https://susanpagedavis.com
Twitter: @SusanPageDavis
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susanpagedavisauthor
Newsletter: https://madmimi.com/signups/118177/join
Purchase Links
Now for the giveaway! I mentioned that Susan and I are members of the same writing group. Here’s the question: Where do the KenTen Writing Group members meet? You don’t have to be right to win, you just have to GUESS!! The winner will be drawn from all commenters, and will win a copy of The Mail-Order Standoff, signed by Susan Page Davis!
Happy Reading, and have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
I bet you meet in Tennessee for retreat and Kentucky for regular meetings. Somewhere near Benton. 😉 Am I cheating?
Can’t wait to see you both at retreat or before!
I don’t think I’m supposed to say if you’re right or wrong, Amy, but I will say you’re pretty close (not exactly, though). Thanks for stopping by! I’ll see you at the retreat in June!
Anywhere you want to meet. And hope you all enjoy the time together.
I can say, with all certainty, that we DO enjoy the time together! Right, Susan? 🙂
We sure do!
Well, in a way you’re right, Diane–what can I say? 🙂
I have no idea. I know Susan lives in Kentucky, so that will be my guess.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Well, yes it is somewhere in Kentucky.
I’m just going to guess somewhere along the Kentucky/Tennessee border, since I’m not really familiar up-close-and-personal with the south. I have to say that what drew me to the blog was the post on Linked-In. The title just grabbed me. God bless with the book! I’d love to win.
Our meeting place is fairly close to the border, Naomi. Glad to have you here!
Montgomery Bell State Park 🙂